Can Do Resources
Download our capturing lessons reports and take a look at the resources we think help put Can Do into practice. You can also download the original Can Do Toolkits.
Capturing lessons
This report summarises the themes and lessons that arose from the second Welsh Government funded Can Do Approach project completed in March 2022 with a focus on sustainable local economic development. The project built on the original Can Do Toolkits and the updated Can Do Approach.
Capturing lessons 2022
This report captures lessons from a project under the government’s Foundational Economy Challenge fund programme carried out by the Wales Co-operative Centre.
The project itself builds on both the original Can Do Toolkits and the updated Can Do Approach (2020).
Capturing lessons: The Can Do Foundational Economy Project
The Can Do Toolkit…five years on
Five years on from the launch of the original Can Do Toolkits a report was produced to look at the impact of the approach. The report looks at the success of the approach in helping the housing sector procure community benefits and targeted recruitment and training. (Published: 2014)
Can Do 2 Resources
As part of the Welsh Government Can Do 2 project, we have identified a number of useful toolkits, guides and case studies to help put Can Do into practice.
Applying the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act
The mission of the University is to help end social inequality across North Wales by 2030. This graphic links the Wellbeing Goals and Ways of Working to the three main objectives of the Civic Mission:
1. Community resilience
2. Keeping well
3. Leadership, Governance and whole system working.
Involving young people in all aspects of National Museum Wales’ work is considered crucial in creating a more equitable museum that is relevant to the lives of young people, now and into the future.
Combining learning and skill development with community regeneration, the Community Impact Initiative (Cii) takes an integrative approach in combatting two of Wales’ biggest challenges: unemployment and the housing crisis
The Climate Ready Gwent network, a collection of Public Services Boards in Gwent overseen by Natural Resources Wales, has been sharing good practice and working together to help tackle climate change.
Green Skills and Training
A Skills Map to provide a clear outline of qualifications and training opportunities across Wales that are available to deliver Retrofit Programmes.
Co-ordinating plans for expanding retrofit and wider green skills provision and helping create green jobs in renewable energy, net zero emissions and the nature-based sector.
A Low Carbon Learning programme in Scotland launched in including retrofit, fabric and structure, offering a pathway to certification.
This initiative by Cartrefi Conwy subsidiary Creating Enterprise produces high-performance, low-cost homes using local labour and solving skills shortage issues. Trainees learn new skills whilst working alongside qualified trades in new methods of construction.
Tools to Measure Social Value and Impact
The Toolkit enables the capture of the full range of Community Benefits outcomes, including jobs, educational support initiatives and training, and provides a consistent way of measurement. Use of the Toolkit is required for all social housing grant funding.
The guidance includes a detailed description of how to use and apply the National TOMs for procurement and measurement of outcomes.
A comprehensive set of tools and resources to help model, monitor and measure social impact.
Developed in partnership with over 200 experts from across industry and Government to help redefine value and how to measure it. The Value Toolkit enables decision making focused on driving better social, environmental and economic outcomes.
Social Value and Impact Reporting
A review by consultants Afallen to help Adra understand the socio-economic impact of its work on tenants and the wider community. The study showed that Adra are an important organisation in the provision of services linked to wellbeing in the communities it works in and with. It also emphasises the important role Adra played in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
A series of podcasts in partnership with Wales Co-operative Centre (now Cwmpas)
Episode 1 explores the meaning of social value with Sophie Howe and Jen Gillies Pemberton.
Episode 2 focusses on how the construction sector embeds social value into its operations with Mike Little from Morgan Sindall.
Episode 3 looks at the Can Do Approach with Emma Hammonds and Dusi Thomas of Bron Afon Community Housing.
RHA were an early adopter of the Sustainable Reporting Standard for Social Housing. The latest report is based on RHA’s commitment to delivering the wellbeing goals of the Future Generations Act.
Social Value Strategies
The University is working with partners and communities to make a positive difference for the public good across North Wales by understanding the key challenges and co-creating innovative approaches. The aim is to help end social inequality across North Wales by 2030.
Developed by CLES, Community wealth building is a response to the challenges of austerity, financialisaton and automation. Based on collaborating with places such as Manchester and Preston, CLES have developed strategies based on five key principles:
Plural ownership of the economy
Making financial power work for local places
Fair employment and just labour markets
Progressive procurement of goods and services
Socially productive use of land and property
The strategy defines what the terms Community Investment and Social Value mean to RHA as well as giving detail on a plan to deliver a ‘Giving Back Commitment’, including priorities, approaches, partnerships and how the strategy will be monitored.
Other resources
Wellbeing Goals Reporting template
An example of how to use the wellbeing goals to set targets and report on outcomes developed by Costain
Foundational Economy Audit
An example of good practice developed by Trivallis to map activity in the local foundational economy
Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Overview
Overview of the ESG model for businesses
A decade of re-defining value
Commissioned by Welsh Government and developed by the i2i project, the Can Do Toolkits revolutionised the way the housing sector used investment to deliver jobs, training and other benefits for local communities. Ten years on the time is right to adopt this approach across all public investment. We are developing the next generation of series of Can Do Toolkits to:
Support the public sector to develop and adopt Can Do strategies that deliver social / economic / environmental value and secures whole organisation buy-in
Embed targeted recruitment and training (TR&T) into commissioning, procurement and delivery of programmes
Build the foundational economy by working with SMEs, social businesses, mutuals and co-ops to play a much greater role in supply chains
Download the Can Do Toolkits
Can Do Toolkit 1: Summary Guide
Summary guidance on the Can Do approach to targeted recruitment and training (TR&T).
Can Do Toolkit 2: Comprehensive Guide
Comprehensive guidance on the Can Do approach to targeted recruitment and training (TR&T) containing detailed information on legal and policy matters and supply-side support.
Can Do Toolkit 3: Model Materials
A series of templates, clauses and resources to embed and adapt targeted recruitment and training (TR&T).